Staffordshire at Sea

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Letter from Captain Edward Le Crass to Anson giving an account of the settlement of Nova Scotia, 17 September 1750.

In his letter Le Crass describes his impression of Chebucto (now an area in Halifax). He also describes Lieutenant Colonel Charles Lawrence’s expedition to Cheynecto (now Chignecto), to warn off the French who were erecting a fort on the north bank of the Missaguash River. This area later became the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border.

(© Staffordshire Record Office: D615/P(S)/1/10/26A)

Admiral George Anson (1697-1762) Sir John Leveson (1555-1615) George Legge, Baron Dartmouth (c1647-1691) Richard Drakeford (c1709-1757) John Jervis, Earl St. Vincent (1735-1823) Introduction