Setting up your computer for Internet Streaming Audio
If you are unable to receive audio or video content you may need to install or upgrade Windows Media Player on your computer. This is free software available from Microsoft, for Windows and Macintosh computers. When you try to access a streaming audio clip, you may find that your computer will offer to automatically upgrade your Windows Media Player by downloading the neccessary files over the internet. This may take a few minutes. If this does not happen, do one of the following: Download the Media Player software from Windows Media Player is often distributed on computer magazine cover CD's. If you have a recent computer magazine, check the cover CD, if the software is included it will save you having to download the media player via the internet. Install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or above, a windows media player supporting streaming audio will be installed as part of a typical installation. If you are accessing the internet via a Network, a Firewall or Proxy server may prevent you receiving audio and video streams. You will need to refer this problem to your Network Administrator to enable access to streaming content through a Firewall or Proxy server.